Pecorino Cacio di Fossa
Cheese from pure sheep’s milk, obtained thanks to an original seasoning process, in conformity with a tradition dating back to the Middle Ages and born from the peasants’ necessity to preserve the cheese for the whole year. “IL FORTETO” has put its cheese into Tufa’s cave. In these caves (high 3 m; large 2 m) the cheese is put down in sacks of cloth in August and drawn out in November. When the cheese “rises again”, it appears transformed: it has lost its round shape and the prolonged seasoning has caused a further lost of whey and fat, increasing the digestibility. And, over all, the particular fermentations have conferred a sharp taste and an unmistakable flavour.
Latte ovino pastorizzato, sale, caglio, fermenti lattici. Crosta non edibile ricoperta da pellicola protettiva.
Miele di castagno.
Item number11810
Weight2 kg ca
Aging180 days